Marco Gonçalves

Qmail/Vpopmail renaming a domain

qmailIn a Qmail/Vpopmail email server system, there is no direct way to rename a domain. Let’s say, you have a costumer that is using and then registers to replace The obvious solution is to make an alias domain of, it’s just one simple command:


But if the old domain is to be dropped completely there is no logical reason to go for the domain alias route, except that is the quick and dirty solution. Also, it’s a bit stupid and confusing to be consuming all the email services (POP, IMAP, SMTP, Webmail, Control Panel) with credentials of the old domain when the domain in use is the new domain. All this hassle just because Vpopmail doesn’t provide a command do rename a domain.

Even with no direct command, it’s possible to rename a domain, keeping all the mailboxes ( changes to, passwords, forwards, email alias, webmail preferences and contacts etc. It’s a bit painful, but doable:

If you have read all the way trough here, and are thinking in doing this procedure, WAIT i have a special treat, a script that takes care of all. It’s a PHP script, that should be executed in command line by root and accepts 2 arguments, the old domain and new domain. Just adjust the PHP path, the configurations (paths to stuff in the system), mark as executable and you are ready to go.

Beware, you will be running this as root, and i assure that it works fine on my server but i can’t assure that it won’t destroy yours. If you accept this terms please proceed and grab the script.

#! /usr/local/bin/php

 * Config
$vpopmail_bin     = '/home/vpopmail/bin/';
$vpopmail_etc     = '/home/vpopmail/etc/';
$vpopmail_domains = '/home/vpopmail/domains/';
$qmail_bin        = '/var/qmail/bin/';
$qmail_control    = '/var/qmail/control/';
$qmail_users      = '/var/qmail/users/';
$qmailctl_bin     = '/usr/local/bin/qmailctl restart';       // path or false
$roundcube_config = '/home/roundcube/www/config/'; // path or false

 * Functions

function validateDomainSyntax($domain) {
	return preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$/', $domain);

function runCommand($cmd) {
	try {
		system($cmd.' > /dev/null 2>&1', $return);
		if ($return > 0)
			die("Error in cmd: ".$cmd."\n");
	} catch (Exception $e) {
	return true;

function replaceInFile($file, $search, $replace) {
	if (! file_exists($file))
		return false; 
	$owner = fileowner($file);
	$group = filegroup($file);
	$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file)), -4);
	$read  = fopen($file, 'r');
	$write = fopen($file.'.tmp', 'w');

	$replaced = false;

	while (!feof($read)) {
		$line = fgets($read);

		$line = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($search).'/', $replace, $line, -1, $count);
		if ($count)
			$replaced = true;

		fwrite($write, "$line");

	if ($replaced) {
		rename($file.'.tmp', $file);
		chown($file, $owner);
		chgrp($file, $group);
		chmod($file, $perms);
		return true;
	return false;

 * Script
if (! isset($argv[2]))
	die("Usage ./rename_domain old_domain new_domain\n");

$old_domain = strtolower(trim($argv[1]));
$new_domain = strtolower(trim($argv[2]));

if ($old_domain == $new_domain)
	die("New_domain is equal to old_domain\n");

// validate old_domain
if (! validateDomainSyntax($old_domain))
	die("Invalid old_domain (check syntax)\n");

exec($vpopmail_bin.'vdominfo '.$old_domain, $output);

if (! isset($output[0]))
	die("Invalid old_domain\n");
if ($output[0] == 'Invalid domain name')
	die("Invalid old_domain\n");
foreach ($output as $line) {
	if ($line == 'alias: '.$old_domain) 
		die("Invalid old_domain (is an alias domain)\n");

if ($output[0] != 'domain: '.$old_domain) 
	die("Invalid old_domain\n");

// validate new_domain
if (! validateDomainSyntax($new_domain))
	die("Invalid new_domain (check syntax)\n");

$output = array();
exec($vpopmail_bin.'vdominfo '.$new_domain, $output);

if (! isset($output[0]))
	die("Invalid new_domain\n");
if ($output[0] != 'Invalid domain name') {
	if ($output[0] == 'domain: '.$new_domain) 
		die("Invalid new_domain (domain exists)\n");
	foreach ($output as $line) {
		if ($line == 'alias: '.$new_domain) 
			die("Invalid new_domain (is an alias domain)\n");
	die("Invalid new_domain\n");

// filesystem changes
runCommand('/bin/mv '.$vpopmail_domains.$old_domain.' '.$vpopmail_domains.$new_domain);

if (! (replaceInFile($qmail_control.'rcpthosts', $old_domain, $new_domain) ||
      (replaceInFile($qmail_control.'morercpthosts', $old_domain, $new_domain) 
       && runCommand($qmail_bin.'qmail-newmrh')))) {
	die("Could not find domain in rcpthosts or morercpthosts\n");

if (! (replaceInFile($qmail_users.'assign', $old_domain, $new_domain) && 
	die("Could not find domain in assign\n");

replaceInFile($vpopmail_domains.$new_domain.'/.qmail-default', $old_domain, $new_domain);

$d = dir($vpopmail_domains.$new_domain.'/');
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
	if ($entry != '..' && $entry != '.' && 

// database changes
$mysql_configuration = file($vpopmail_etc.'vpopmail.mysql', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
foreach ($mysql_configuration as $line) {
	$line = trim($line);
	if ($line[0] != '#') {
		$parts = explode('|', $line);
		if (count($parts) == 5) {
			$mysql_host = $parts[0]; 
			$mysql_port = $parts[1];
			$mysql_user = $parts[2];
			$mysql_pass = $parts[3];
			$mysql_db   = $parts[4];

if (! isset($mysql_db)) 
	die("Can't get mysql configuration values in ".$vpopmail_etc."vpopmail.mysql\n");
$link = mysqli_connect($mysql_host, 
                       ($mysql_port ? $mysql_port : null));
if (!$link)
	die("Connect Error (".mysqli_connect_errno().") ".mysqli_connect_error()."\n");
$old_domain_table = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\d\s:]/', '_', $old_domain);
$new_domain_table = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\d\s:]/', '_', $new_domain);

if (mysqli_query($link, "RENAME TABLE $old_domain_table TO $new_domain_table") !== true) 
	die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");

if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE ".$new_domain_table." ".
                        "SET pw_dir = REPLACE(pw_dir, ".
                                              "'".$old_domain."', ".
                                              "'".$new_domain."')") !== true) 
	die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");

if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE dir_control ".
                        "SET domain = '".$new_domain."' ".
                        "WHERE domain = '".$old_domain."'") !== true) 
	die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");
if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE limits ".
                        "SET domain = '".$new_domain."' ".
                        "WHERE domain = '".$old_domain."'") !== true) 
	die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");

if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE valias ".
                        "SET domain = '".$new_domain."' ".
                        "WHERE domain = '".$old_domain."'") !== true) 
	die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");

if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE valias ".
                        "SET valias_line = REPLACE(valias_line, ".
                                                   "'".$old_domain."', ".
                                                   "'".$new_domain."')") !== true) 
	die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");


// roundcube (optional)
if ($roundcube_config) {
	if (! isset($rcmail_config['db_dsnw']))
		 die("Unable to load Roundcube configuration\n");

	$tmp = explode('://', $rcmail_config['db_dsnw']);

	if (! (isset($tmp[0]) && strtolower($tmp[0]) == 'mysql'))
		die("Roundcube database is not mysql");

	$tmp = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', ' ', $tmp[1]);
	$rc_config = explode(' ', $tmp);
        $rc_config = array_filter($rc_config);

	$link = mysqli_connect($rc_config[2], $rc_config[0], $rc_config[1], $rc_config[3]);
	if (!$link)
        	die("Connect Error (".mysqli_connect_errno().") ".mysqli_connect_error()."\n");

	if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE ".$rcmail_config['db_table_users']." ".
                                "SET username = REPLACE(username, ".
                                                        "'".$old_domain."', ".
                                                        "'".$new_domain."')") !== true)
		die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");

	if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE ".$rcmail_config['db_table_identities']." ".
                                "SET email = REPLACE(email, ".
                                                     "'".$old_domain."', ".
                                                     "'".$new_domain."')") !== true)
		die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");

	if (mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE ".$rcmail_config['db_table_identities']." ".
                                "SET `reply-to` = REPLACE(`reply-to`, ".
                                                          "'".$old_domain."', ".
                                                          "'".$new_domain."')") !== true)
		die("Error (".mysqli_error($link)."\n");

if ($qmailctl_bin)
	exec($qmailctl_bin.' restart');

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