Steady the timeline advances.

Moved to beautiful Lisbon, met awesome people, great music everywhere (Ajuda, Viana do Castelo, Cristo Rei, and of course Armazém 16). Jumped out of an airplane, did a bit of surfing, and beach relaxing. Keeping up a young spirit, and feeling human again.

The business front is holding on great, and with a bit luck and hard work there is only one direction, a bigger boat 🙂

Sure some problems and bad situations presented, one that is a big mean dragon that must be confronted (again), brace and just hope for the best. Anyway, it’s time to step up the strikethrough pace of the bucket list items.

The most important lesson this year is life is good, time is precious.

Go go go.


37A little bit older and wiser, the hair becomes less abundant yet more gray 🙂

Anyway the good in this year was all the good, hard, honest work put in my business. Sowing to harvest. Also the heavy workload helped in sharping my focus and energy.

The bad, was the loss of social life and the lack of time to feed my wanderlust.

Even if work frees the mind of negative toughs, I must start to look more and more to my bucket list as the expected lifetime is virtually at the middle…

My goals to this year:

  • keep on with the good, hard, honest work
  • actually bury up the bad business that I’m still associated with
  • change of house (Estoril to Lisbon everyday is becoming a heavy burden)

PS – The “surprise” birthday party was super.


36Another year in the bag!

Following the path and rules set on the previous year, not a vintage year at all but overall better than the previous. Looking back a couple of years, it’s unbelievable how fast and how bad things can go bad in life, and when you find yourself in a hole so deep that you can’t even see any light out, it’s tough and slow to get out of it, i guess it’s a process and it takes the time it needs to take.

Some of the highlights this year:

  • Fantastic Thailand trip, fantastic country, fantastic culture, fantastic food, fantastic motorbike rides, fantastic landscapes.
  • Renting out a room in AirBnb has (is) been (being) a very personal enrichment experience.
  • Achieving some financial balance.
  • Overall physical recovery, even the hair is growing stronger again 🙂

In this awakening many things i have learned, most about myself, some about karma and a few about other persons. And the more i learn, the more i realize that there is yet so much space to improve in so many levels…

Goals to this year (and so many things to do…)

  • finish the clean up process (mainly confined to a bad company and partnership)
  • take good care of the body and take even better care of the mind
  • achieve my financial goal
  • focus on the task and divert on the tasks
  • work in the king and warrior archetypes
  • and of course, don’t be late, don’t be late, don’t be late

Hope positively that all pieces of the life puzzle will fit in.

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.” – Terence McKenna


After the Annus Horribilis i have to report that this year has gone a bit better. In what is known as the midlife crisis (yes, i even bought myself the convertible…) decisions have been made throughout the year, some tiny some big, that slowly (yet steadily) are improving my life as a whole.

  • Move out and away from a very unhappy place
  • Share new house with a friend
  • (Re)start sport activity
  • Set aside each and every person that is not correct or brings unhappiness
  • Take care and give back to each and every person that is correct and brings happiness
  • Balance work and real life
  • Enjoy what i have now, tomorrow it can be all gone

I also developed a very simple set of rules regarding relationships. Some may seem strange in the world as it is today…

  • Anyone already committed is off limits
  • Anyone in workplace is off limits
  • Don’t fool around, relationships are not a competition, less is more
  • Don’t rush nothing, it takes the time that i it takes
  • Be honest and correct (no matter what, whom or when)

And even if all things considered this as not been a good year, it has been much better than the previous one. I feel some kind of stand on point, and am crawling out of the hole, slowly but steady.

Very important goals in this year:

  • Focus, focus, focus
  • Don’t be late, don’t be late, don’t be late